by Jim
Take One Vety Well Dressed Corporate Executive With Energy Wasting Shoes and Socks Still Intact (but not for long) and Looking Understandably Sceptical!
This is for the corporate business office and can save a great deal of energy during the summer if it is implemented.
It is well known that allowing feet to breathe in warm weather cools the body and that cooling the soles can cool the entire body quickly.
Introducing a barefoot office would make excellent use of this basic fact. Although social and cultural traditions will make it difficult to introduce, it can be done gradually. And light bamboo sandals can be used.
Separating a powerful executive from his well-polished shoes and his dress socks will not be easy but the savings will make it all worthwhile.
Getting the Suits to walk around in their bare feet will be a challenge; it will feel awkward at first as expensive shoes are symbols of power and dignity.
Some gentle coercion might be used at first - such as a small fine for an executive who insist on keeping his shoes on.
All changes are surprising at first. But eventually they are accepted.
Eventually neckties, cuff-links, suit jackets and even white shirts will follow, giving way to cooler tee shirts and short-sleeved shirts. The savings on AC will be enormous and the hierarchy of the traditional work office will be transformed as well.
Comments for Fight Global Warming: Take Away an Executive's Shoes and Socks and Introduce Him to the Barefoot Office!
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