Use salt instead of bleach for white clothes

by Joy
(Twentynine Palms, California)

Use 1/2 cup of kosher salt per load of white clothes. They will come out a brighter white than using bleach, and, the clothes will last longer.

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Nov 05, 2015
Kosher salt
by: Rona

As far as I'm aware, Kosher salt is exactly the same as non-kosher, the only difference being that it has been blessed by a rabbi. I don't believe it makes the slightest difference to its usefulness!

Aug 31, 2010
Kosher salt?
by: Lena

Is Kosher salt different to table salt?

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Vinegar as a Fabric Softener

by Lena

Use vinegar in the fabric conditioner compartment of your washing machine,it doesn't smell - it just makes laundry soft. Hope you try it. I don't use any thing else.

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Nov 05, 2015
by: Rona

Vinegar is also very useful for cleaning veg and fruit. It helps get rid of garden grime, yeasty deposits and unwanted insect life. It will also help remove commercial sprays and waxes to some extent.

May 30, 2011
by: Anonymous

I also use Vinegar as a laundry softener is one of the most versatile items to use for cleaning.

All our water that runs out of our drains is recycled into the garden; it's not advisable to recycle water if you use fabric softener as it contains chemicals harmful to your plants.

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Bicarb and shower gel for laundry

by Nathan

Simply squeeze a bit of shower gel (about 2 dessert spoons is plenty enough) into the washing machine drawer and add about 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda. Works well for my sensitive skin and costs next to nothing.

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