Some Tomato Growing Books for Better Tomato Crops

Tomato growing books for successful, less-stressful growing!

Tomato growing is a tricky art in some parts of the world, where the weather is just not helpful enough. Here is a selection of tomato growing books to make the task easier.

Good books on growing organic tomatoes

Here are a few good books on growing tomato plants (and eating the tomatoes, too!)

How to Grow World Record Tomatoes: A Guinness Champion Reveals His All-Organic Secrets Charles Wilber looks set to put the chemical companies out of business with this excellent book on effective organic growing. As a record setter he works to get the very best results from the fewest possible plants. One to try if you are short of space - or just want excellent results from organic methods.

The Heirloom Tomato: From Garden to Table: Recipes, Portraits, and History of the World's Most Beautiful Fruit This book is a great help if you want to get the best from growing heirloom tomato varieties. It takes a detailed look at different varieties and their tastes and properties, lovingly written by Amy Goldman who produces 500 varieties of tomatoes on her farm in Hudson Valley, New York. Lots of lavish photographs as well as practical tips. Recipes and growing information are included.

Totally Organic Hydroponics (Sea of Green, Volume 2) Here's one for people wanting to try their hand at growing tomatoes by hydroponic methods. The good news is that it is still possible to grow organic tomatoes. Hydroponics are interesting but generally not so environmentally friendly - unless you use a green energy tariff or your own photovoltaic electricity. You will certainly use more energy than by using traditional methods. Nevertheless, if you despair of getting a decent crop by outdoor growing or even greenhouse cultivation, this must be worth a try.

Too Many Tomatoes, Squash, Beans, and Other Good Things: A Cookbook for When Your Garden Explodes One to check when everything goes according to plan and you get a bumper crop! It's even got notes for growing the many vegetables within its pages, as well as recipes and storage advice. A real treasure trove.

Review tomato growing books here

If you've read a tomato growing book that you thought was good, particularly one which focuses on organic methods, please feel free to post a review.

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Other pages related to tomatoes and tomato growing which may interest you:

Growing Tomato Plants for a Summer Feast of Good Food

Fresh Tomato Recipes for that Glut!

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