The Importance of Ecological Surveys

If you are planning to extend your home or your business premises, you need to be aware of the planning regulations, including the need to protect wildlife. Here is a guest article about what you need to know.

To protect the environment and to protect endangered species it is now mandatory to submit tree and ecological survey reports prior to any construction, expansion or the purchase of any property. There are also many environmental and wildlife enthusiast who conduct tree surveys to get exact information about the trees on their property, so that they can protect and enhance the environment for wild species. 

Ecological surveys - what is involved

Developers and planners have to take numerous factors in consideration before starting work at a particular site. Nature preservation is one of these important considerations. Ecological surveys are a great way of getting information about a particular area and the species that inhabit it.

 Ecological surveys are used to obtain different kinds of data. They are typically carried out to determine the presence of endangered or protected species, to monitor the availability of specific species, to establish the different types of habitats and to provide the data needed for future planning and activities.

Types of ecological survey

Different kinds of wildlife studies can be performed. The most common ones include habitat assessment, ecological impact assessment, translocation and protected species analysis, biodiversity assessment and wetland delineation assessment.

The UK wildlife regulations make ecological surveys mandatory before any kind of work begins at the specific location. Regardless of the developments, the natural balance needs to remain undisturbed. The survey will reveal whether endangered species inhabit the area and whether changes need to be made to the preliminary development plan.

Ecological survey steps

Ecological surveys consist of several steps.

The first step involves research that is based on publicly available information about the site, analysing habitat and wildlife diversity. This kind of research however could be inaccurate. Therefore in the next step experts in the niche will study the area to add more details to the general research. This is a proven way to get an accurate picture and to undertake the necessary steps for the preservation of wildlife.

The information from the ecological survey will be used to achieve a number of goals. It provides the data necessary to avoid damage and to keep the natural balance. Ecological surveys will also be used to create new habitats, to enhance wildlife corridors and to create new woodland areas that will replace the ones at the site of interest.

Specialised surveys

An ecological survey can be general or specialised. Sometimes, it is important to monitor specific species. Bats, hedgehogs, water voles, birds and certain reptile species are often the subject of specialised surveys.

Choosing the right professionals for the execution of any survey is of uttermost importance for success and for trustworthiness of the information. Reputable companies in the niche provide quick and reliable results and they will also carry out specialised surveys. The availability of results, analysis and wildlife consultancy options is another great characteristic to look for. All of the details should be listed at the company's website.

Nature preservation is a complex effort. The availability of adequate data is a prerequisite for successful planning and for the adoption of the best practices.

As ecological surveys are now a requirement before beginning work on any construction project (other than minor house extensions which don't require planning permission), the selection of a reputable company is a major step towards adequate decisions that will benefit both nature and your project.

Article thanks to Arbtech.

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