Find An Eco Builder

Finding an eco builder who can design and/or build houses and extensions using ecologically sound techniques is not always easy.

Properties can also be retro-fitted to make them more carbon efficient and to lower running costs. Some companies now specialise in this type of green building work.

Solar hot water systems can be installed with or without photovoltaic pumps. You can have a system built to your exact requirements at a competitive price, if you find the right company.

Ground source heat systems can also be installed.

There are already some established firms with many years experience of building to exacting environmental standards.

Greenfootsteps now offers reputable green builders the opportunity to advertise here for no charge. Companies listed appear here, below the submission form.

Advertise Here

If you would like to advertise your eco-building company please fill in the form below. These advertisements are free of charge.

This service is only available in the UK at the present time.

Eco building companies

This company specialises in designing and building natural buildings and extensions. They use cob, strawbale and timberframe in their work and also run courses in traditional plastering techniques and the uses of lime.

Other ways to success

The best eco builder for your project just might be... yourself.

There are some good sites on energy efficient homes. offers lots of tips on upgrades for energy efficient homes and is well worth checking out.

I will continue to add a few suitable resources here for home builders. Please feel free to contact me with suggestions. Use the contact form on the navigation bar. Thank you.


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